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transplant FUE

The FUE method (Follicular Unit Excision) is currently the newest and most sophisticated hair transplant method in the world.

By taking individual hair follicles (grafts), we eliminate the formation of a linear scar, as was the case after treatments using the older FUT method (strip).

Umów wizytę

Przeszczep włosów Warszawa Kierach Medical Clinic
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) concerns the second part of the procedure, i.e. the method of implanting previously collected hair follicles.

A specially designed tool is used, which allows the follicle to be implanted at the desired angle and in the right direction.

These are key elements for the hair to grow naturally and be arranged naturally after the procedure. Of course, the tool itself does not guarantee a natural look. The doctor’s knowledge and many years of experience allow for such an effect, and the tool makes the work easier and faster.

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Implanters, like robots and other “revolutionary” hair extraction machines, are just a tool that in inexperienced hands may not provide the intended results.

It should also be noted that robots (and others) do not transplant hair, nor do they even take hair. A robotic tool performs step 1 of the 4 steps in hair transplantation, which is to cut the epidermis around the hair follicle.
FUE-DHI hair transplant steps:
    Incision of the epidermis around the follicle
    Incision of the epidermis around the follicle
    Pulling out the follicle with forceps (follicle collection)
    Pulling out the follicle with forceps (follicle collection)
    Designing the hairline
    Designing the hairline
    Implantation of hair follicles into the skin
    Implantation of hair follicles into the skin

Zrzut ekranu 2024 09 26 o 17.43.06

Hair transplant procedures at Kierach Medical Clinic are performed by
Dr. Artur Kierach and
Dr. Jakub Szczudlik. The entire procedure, i.e. grafts collection, hairline design and hair grafts implantation is performed entirely by a doctor!
Each of them only does hair transplants, which is why they have performed several thousand procedures.

Around the world especially in Turkey you can find facilities where medical procedures (hair transplant surgery) are performed by people without medical education. It is worth considering whether we would also entrust a nose job or appendectomy to someone without medical education?

Experience is the basis for a successful procedure
Practices such as entrusting a hair transplant to someone without medical education are illegal in Europe, but it is worth keep in mind that such practices exist. Always ask who will perform your procedure and whether it is a doctor with the licence. Only an experienced doctor performing such a procedure can correctly advise on the choice of method, taking into account the patient’s expectations and available technical possibilities. The principle of hair reconstruction is to ensure the most durable effect of the procedure. The use of certain medications helps to preserve hair, but what if the hair has already fallen out? It is no secret that the most resistant and durable are those on the back and sides of the head. This is clearly visible on the Norwood baldness scale.
Experience is the basis for a successful procedure

Based on this knowledge, attempts were made to transfer this strong hair to places where patients no longer have it, which is most often the front of the head with receding hairlines and the top of the head. And that is why the back of the head and the sides are the so-called donor area, because it “gives” hair.

It is from these areas that the surgeon takes hair follicles. The first transplants consisted of cutting out a hairy part of the skin and sewing it into a place without hair.

A more natural look was achieved only after the invention of the Strip method. The latest method, the least invasive and leaving no visible traces of the procedure, is the FUE hair transplant method. In this case, individual hair follicles are taken, without the use of a scalpel. Hair transplantation is a permanent method of restoring scalp hair. Hair that is taken from the back of the head and the sides is more resistant to loss (note that people who have lost hair still have a lot of it at the back and on the sides of the head). Using this knowledge, we can transfer the “strong” and permanent hair to areas that need thickening or hair restoration.

Experience is the basis for a successful procedure
The FUE method does not require a scalpel or skin stitching, so there are no visible traces of the previous hair replacement procedure in men.

The follicles are taken one by one with a tool with a diameter of 0.8 – 1.0 mm. This procedure is laborious and time-consuming, but at the same time less invasive than the FUT (strip) procedure, which allows to limit the number of possible complications, shorten the recovery time, and it can be repeated after 6 months from the last procedure. If you are interested in FUE hair transplant in Warsaw, please familiarize yourself with our offer. For more information about these procedures, please contact us.

Free consultation form – send now
The majority of patients deciding to have their hairline lowered in Poland are men who want to improve their appearance and, consequently, their well-being.
The majority of patients deciding to have their hairline lowered in Poland are men who want to improve their appearance and, consequently, their well-being.

Establishing expectations from the very beginning is in the interest of both the patient and the doctor. It makes easier to choose the right surgical method and a satisfactory distribution of the harvested follicles.

The main reasons why patients decide to undergo hair transplant surgery are a sense of premature aging due to hair loss and a decrease in self-esteem. Many men do not admit that baldness is a problem for them and is a cause of negative emotions. However, it affects their self-esteem, the way they perceive themselves in society, among friends, family and peers. Premature hair loss can be especially painful for people who feel young at heart, which consequently leads to a feeling of incongruence between their appearance and well-being. Another group of men feel that the lack of hair begins to define them.

That is why many people decide to undergo the popular hair transplant procedure. The patient and the doctor must jointly choose the appropriate method of the procedure, which meets the patient’s expectations and gives the doctor the opportunity to meet those expectations. Patients who have unrealistic expectations regarding the procedure should be presented with real, realistic possibilities of hair thickening. In men, the possibilities are most often limited by the quality of the area from which the hair is taken. If, for example, this area is also thinning, it will be impossible to recreate thick scalp hair. The doctor performing the procedure is limited by the potential of the patient’s donor area.

Factors influencing the procedure
Male pattern baldness is a progressive process. Treatments are planned differently for young people, in whom the possibility of progressive hair loss should be taken into account, than for people over 50, in whom hair loss is very often stabilized at a certain level.
Type of baldness
The evolution of hair loss in women/men and the possible need for further hair replacement should be taken into account.
Family history of baldness
The type of baldness in your immediate family can give you a general idea of ​​the possible scenarios.
Hair type
Thickness, color, and type also need to be considered when planning hair thickening and transplant procedures. For example, thick and slightly curly hair provides better coverage.
Previous treatments
“Strip” procedures, i.e. cutting out a piece of skin from the back of the head, significantly limits the possibility of collecting a large number of individual follicles by FUE.
Financial matters
For some patients, the cost of the procedure is a secondary issue. Most, however, are looking for a good solution at a reasonable price.

The course of hair transplant surgery

1. Medical consultation

At the very beginning, the cause of hair loss should be determined and the risk of progression of the process should be assessed. Treatment methods are selected differently for very young people (18+) than for people over thirty. This is a consultation for a medical procedure, so you can be sure that you will be consulted by a doctor.

The consultation can be performed in Warsaw, Wrocław or via an online form. After ruling out other methods, hair transplantation should be considered and the right method should be selected. The initial consultation can also be held online. This is a convenient form of private consultation. Based on the photos sent, I initially assess the scope of the necessary procedure, the quality of the donor area and the approximate price. At the end, I send proposals for comprehensive solutions tailored to your case.

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2. Preparation for the procedure

When the patient decides to undergo the procedure, the next step is a visit to the clinic and a thorough assessment of the donor area, and the final version of hair reconstruction is proposed.

The doctor collects a detailed interview and completes the medical history. Laboratory blood tests are ordered, and photographic documentation is made.

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3. Treatment

Transplantation is a medical procedure performed in an outpatient setting. At Kierach Medical Clinic, the doctor performs the entire procedure, from consultation through collection to implantation of hair follicles.

The FUE method allows for immediate collection of single micrografts from the donor area. Assistants group them depending on the number of hairs in 1 micrograft – usually 1-4 hairs. Find out more in the FUE Method section.

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4. Healing

After the procedure, the patient receives detailed post-procedure instructions along with an information card.

Each point is discussed to leave no doubt. Normal activity can be resumed the next day, with the exception of intense physical exercise, which should be avoided for 2 weeks from the day of the procedure.

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After hair transplant

What to expect after FUE hair transplant?

First night

The donor and recipient areas will be red.

The donor area will have small red holes where the hair follicles were taken. They will heal within 2-3 days.

Pain after FUE is very rare. If it does occur, mild painkillers usually help.

Do not touch the recipient area the first night.

You should sleep with a small molded pillow so that it does not touch the area where the hair follicles are implanted.

Avoid drinking alcohol the evening after the procedure. It may interact with prescribed medications or those taken during the procedure.

First day

The redness or pink discoloration in the recipient and donor areas will start to fade. There will be some scabs on the scalp that will fall off within 5 days.

Do not touch the transplanted hair follicles.

Day 2-4

Light bruising or pink discoloration and crusting may still be visible in the transplant and donor areas. These will gradually fade in the first week after the procedure.

Swelling on the forehead and around the eyes appears on the 2nd or 3rd day after the procedure, reaches its maximum on the 4th day, and then gradually disappears. We usually give medication to reduce the swelling.

Avoid touching, scratching and rubbing the transplanted follicles. They will be stronger after 4 days and then they cannot be pulled out of the skin by accidental touch.

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunburn can affect the skin pigmentation and can also damage the transplanted hair.

Day 5-7

Recipient Area: The follicles have now fused so tightly to the skin that they cannot be removed by rubbing or pulling. If you still have scabs, you can now wash your hair by rubbing harder to remove them.

Donor Area: By day 7, most patients have no more marks from the procedure in the donor area.

Itching: Slight itching and a slight burning sensation at this stage are signs of healing.

You can leave the shampoo on the transplanted follicles longer (2 to 5 minutes) to make the scabs softer and wash off within 5 days.You can leave the shampoo on the transplanted follicles longer (2 to 5 minutes) to make the scabs softer and wash off within 5 days.

Moisturizing your scalp will help to deal with itching.

Weeks 2-4

The hair follicles enter a resting phase and begin to shed hair shafts.

Some patients may notice pimple-like lesions in the donor and recipient areas. These usually disappear without any intervention.

Don’t panic if you start losing your transplanted hair. Continue washing your hair as before. You can cut your hair into any hairstyle you want.

Avoid exposure to sunlight.

Months 2-4

The transplanted hair is starting to grow. The thin, sparse hair will grow longer and thicker over the next few months.

Some patients may experience thinning of existing hair, which we call shock loss – then everything will return to normal.

Treat your scalp and hair normally. Wash as usual.

Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Months 4-6

The newly grown hair becomes more visible, longer and thicker.

We schedule patients for a follow-up visit 6 months after the procedure, when most of the new hair should have grown.

If you are going out in the sun, wear a hat. If you can’t wear a hat, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for a few months after the treatment.

Months 6-12

The transplanted hair continues to grow and becomes thicker and longer, so you can style it any way you like.

Changes in hair texture may begin to be visible; new hair becomes thick and then normal hair begins to grow.

Months 12-18

The final result of the hair transplant is visible.

Congratulations on your life-changing transformation. Enjoy your new hair!


Each case is individual and the price depends on the result we want to achieve, which depends on the type of hair, thickness and amount in the follicle. Therefore, the best way to get a preliminary estimate of the procedure is to fill out an online consultation form and send photos of the back of the head, both sides and the area that requires hair reconstruction. The photos should be taken in good lighting, clear. Approximate prices:

Temples (depending on the extent of the procedure)

9.900 – 22.900 PLN
(around 2.300 – 5.300 €)

Front of the head with hairline reconstruction

14.900 – 28.900 PLN
(around 3.400 – 6.700 €)


9.900 – 28.900 PLN
(around 2.300 – 6.700 €)
Free consultation form
FUE-Regenera  Hair Transplant

FUE-Regenera Hair Transplant

This is an FUE hair transplant procedure, during which stem cells are also collected and separated.

In a single session, where the patient is both the donor and recipient of an autologous transplant, we are able to stimulate the treated area with progenitor cells and growth factors obtained from the donor site.

The benefits of this method include:

Shorter healing time

Skin regeneration and preparation for FUE procedure

Faster regrowth of transplanted hair

Strengthening of weaker hair

Hair loss inhibition

Price of FUE-Regenera
4.000 PLN
1.000 €

+ price of a standard FUE procedure

VIP Consultations

Are you a public figure or do you not want others to know about your hair loss problem? The service was created in response to the needs of patients and is dedicated to anyone who wants to keep their problem a secret. VIP consultation is also a guarantee of consultation within 14 days of registration.

Kierach Medical Clinic offers VIP consultations.
Ask about availability contact form or call +48 579 645 819

Quick procedure date
A service designed for people who value time. We guarantee that the procedure will be performed within 30 days (or in the month chosen by the patient) of the consultation, if all necessary tests are provided. Procedures are performed entirely by Artur Kierach, MD
VIP individual consultations
These are individual consultations with Dr. Artur Kierach, which take place on non-consultation working days. You will not meet other patients of Kierach Medical Clinic, because the breaks between visits are an additional 30 minutes.
VIP Consultations
VIP consultation
600 PLN
150 €

Quick procedure date:
Regular FUE price + 20%

Any questions?

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Any questions?

Hair transplant patients have many questions, starting with what FUE is, what the procedure is like, and how long the results last. We have prepared a list of the most frequently asked questions about FUE and we hope they will help you understand the procedure.

Who performs the procedure? Doctor or technician?
According to the law in force in Poland and the EU, medical procedures and surgeries can only be performed by a doctor. At Kiery Medical Clinic, we focus on the highest standards, so you can be sure that the entire procedure will be performed by a doctor. The collection of follicles, designing the hairline and implanting the follicles will be performed entirely by a doctor, not a technician or assistant with unknown education.
Can a hair transplant be performed by a technician?
No. Medical procedures carry a risk of complications, and only a medically trained person can respond to unforeseen situations. Medications are used during the procedure (legally, only a doctor can prescribe medications) that can cause allergic reactions or other unexpected side effects. The only person who knows how to react in such situations is the doctor. Always ask who will be performing the procedure to make sure your health is not at risk. Because would you choose a nose job with a technician instead of a doctor?
Will I get a guarantee on hair transplant?
Medicine is a field in which there are no statements “definitely”, “100%”, “always”. Each organism is different and may react differently to standard treatment. Exactly the same as in the case of, for example, paracetamol (a popular painkiller), statistically in the vast majority of cases it will eliminate the headache, but in a small number of patients it will cause a rash, stomach pain or nausea. The human organism is not a machine for which a guarantee can be given, but a complex living organism with countless genetic combinations that can affect the body’s response to drugs or procedures. If the hair follicles are collected in the right way, stored in the right conditions, and during implantation the hair follicles are not damaged, then with great probability the hair will grow back properly. At Kierach Medical Clinic, however, we guarantee that the procedure is performed by experienced doctors, in accordance with the latest knowledge and the latest standards and with concern for the patient’s well-being.
How does FUE work?
This involves taking each hair follicle separately with a tool with a diameter of 0.8-1.0 mm. Thanks to this, there is no need for skin stitching and there are no visible linear scars after the procedure.
Is the FUE-DHI procedure painful?
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so neither the collection of hair follicles nor their implantation is painful.
What are the advantages of FUE?
The advantages include primarily the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, short healing time (approx. 7 days), and the ability to achieve a natural look.
Do FUE procedures leave scars?
The FUE method does not require cutting out a piece of skin and therefore the skin is not sewn, so there are no linear scars like with the older FUT method (so-called strip).
Who is the ideal candidate for FUE?
People with a stabilized balding process, without inflammation of the scalp and with a lot of hair in the donor area (back and sides of the head).
Is hair transplantation also possible for women?
Of course.
What is the maximum density at which hair can be implanted?
Everyone is born with a certain density of hair follicles per cm2. In order to recreate hair and achieve a natural look, the patient’s natural density should be imitated (the whole thing should look uniform with untransplanted hair). This is due to the skin’s ability to supply the follicles with blood vessels. Implanting too many hair follicles per cm2 “by force” will cause some of the follicles to not survive – they will not be supplied with blood and will die.
How much does FUE cost?
The price depends on the scope of the procedure. We encourage you to use the consultation form – in response you will receive a preliminary treatment plan and an estimated cost.
Do I need any special preparation before the procedure?
Blood thinners and minoxidil, if used, should be discontinued. Some basic blood tests should also be performed.
How long does it take to recover after FUE?
Most patients reserve 4-7 days for recovery after the procedure. Small wounds after FUE heal within 3-6 days, but this depends on the predisposition of each person. Want to learn more about what to expect after the FUE procedure? Visit the After the Transplant page.
Can I drive a car myself after the procedure?
Yes. Local anesthesia does not impair consciousness.
Can you be too young for a hair transplant?
If hair loss affects people at a young age (18+), the hair loss process should first be stopped pharmacologically. After this stage, hair can be transplanted. Transplantation can also be performed in younger patients if hair loss is due to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, trauma, etc.
Is it possible to transplant gray hair?
Hair color is irrelevant when it comes to survival and growth potential. Taking gray hairs is technically more difficult because short hairs are not as visible in the strong light of the operating lamp, but an experienced doctor can take gray hairs without any problems.