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Treatments for the abdomen after pregnancy

During pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen stretches significantly, causing it to mostly become flabby and loose after delivery. Depending on a woman’s age and overall physical condition, it can take anywhere from a few months to even a few years to return to the pre-pregnancy appearance.

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Abdomen after pregnancy

If you are struggling to achieve the figure and skin condition of your dreams, the effective and completely safe post-pregnancy abdominal treatments that we perform at our clinic come to the rescue.

Which abdomen after pregnancy treatments to choose?

Every young mother is very busy taking care of her newborn baby. Some women accept that the postpartum belly usually looks completely different than before pregnancy after nine months of carrying the little one. However, many women desire to return to their pre-pregnancy appearance while facing difficulties in finding time for regular exercise. Following a rigorous diet to burn excess belly fat is not advisable during lactation. However, are young mothers condemned to having a wrinkled stomach after pregnancy? Absolutely not. At Kierah Medical Clinic, we offer treatments for postpartum bellies that provide skin firming, fat tissue reduction, and addressing stretch marks.

Women who want to improve the appearance of their bodies often wonder which postpartum belly procedure to choose. Liposuction, or “fat suction,” is quite popular, but not everyone knows that it’s not the only method for enhancing the appearance of the abdomen. Modern aesthetic medicine offers much gentler and effective procedures for firming the postpartum belly, without the need for a scalpel.

One such procedure offered at our clinic is laser firming for wrinkled postpartum bellies. It’s a safe procedure that involves using a laser to illuminate the skin, effectively destroying fat cells. In addition to reducing fatty tissue, laser treatment also stimulates connective tissue by promoting collagen and elastin production. This way, during a single postpartum belly procedure, you can get rid of fat while simultaneously firming the skin.

Women who have undergone a cesarean section also consider various options before deciding on the best postpartum belly procedure for them. Laser therapy not only helps in combating loose skin on the abdomen but is also extremely effective in removing scars, which is valued by many women whose children were delivered through a cesarean section.

When young mothers wonder which postpartum belly procedures to choose, we also propose needle mesotherapy, which can be applied to various parts of the body. It is one of the postpartum belly treatments particularly appreciated by women for its effective firming action and reduction of stretch marks. Needle mesotherapy involves injecting active substances such as hyaluronic acid or specially formulated preparations containing antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols, or coenzyme Q10 into selected areas of the skin. Abdomen after pregnancy needs special care.

Effects of abdominal treatments after pregnancy

Patients who opt for postpartum belly firming treatments can quickly enjoy the first positive effects. Immediately after laser firming treatment, the skin may appear red and slightly swollen, but this condition usually subsides within 1-2 days, allowing women to experience a tighter and more elastic abdomen. The fatty tissue is noticeably reduced, resulting in a flatter and visibly smaller belly. The skin surface looks better, and wrinkles and stretch marks become less prominent. After the procedure, it becomes evident that the postpartum belly after nine months can be well-maintained and look exactly as the woman expects. Abdomen after pregnancy can look great!

Laser scar and stretch mark removal also provide very good results, which are noticeable after the first treatment. With a series of treatments, unwanted marks that appear on the skin after pregnancy can be completely reduced. Laser therapy is highly effective, which is why women who have given birth via cesarean section can enjoy the appearance they have always dreamed of after undergoing this postpartum belly procedure (abdomen after pregnancy).

When a patient decides to undergo needle mesotherapy, they can expect noticeable skin firming on the abdomen, reduction of cellulite, overall improvement in skin appearance, and a decrease in the visibility of stretch marks. In the case of this procedure, results are typically visible after the first application, and the best results can be achieved by undergoing mesotherapy in a cyclical manner, with specific intervals that are always determined in consultation with a physician.

Before undergoing any postpartum abdominal firming procedures, it is important to schedule a medical consultation, during which an experienced doctor will conduct a thorough medical interview and assess the patient’s suitability for the chosen form of therapy. In the case of laser treatments, the skin should be healthy and free from surface damage.

We invite you to schedule an appointment to find out more about abdomen after pregnancy treatments. Together, we will determine the best method for improving your skin’s appearance, tailored to your needs and meeting all of your expectations.

Need abdomen after pregnancy treatments consultation? Contact us +48579645819 or book online. More interesting information you can find: blog.

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