After a hair transplant, we recommend taking care of your skin according to our tips. To make the process easier, below is a video with all the relevant information on post-operative care.

Postoperative instructions:

  • Spray the hair with sterile saline every 30 minutes for 3 days after treatment
  • The day after the procedure, remove the dressing and wash the area from which the hair was taken. Remember to wash your head gently with your fingertips.
  • Wash your head with gauze soaked in saline for two days after treatment.
  • On the fourth day after treatment, you can wash your entire head as instructed.
  • Avoid directing a strong jet of water directly at the head.
  • On the tenth day after the treatment, you can return to your regular routine and wash your head as you did before the treatment.
  • After shampooing, apply Minoxidil 5% to the entire upper scalp 2x daily for at least one year after treatment.


  • You may not be able to feel your scalp on the day of the procedure due to the local anaesthetic.
  • Be careful when getting in and out of the car to avoid hitting your head on the frame.
  • Instead of garments that are tucked in over the head, choose fastened garments.
  • For two days, eat soft and easy to bite foods.
  • For 4-5 days, sleep so that your pillow does not touch the transplanted hair.
  • If you smoke tobacco try to limit it for at least 3 days.
  • Do not drink alcohol for 5 days.
  • Do not wear hats for the first week.
  • Don’t bend your head low when putting on shoes, for example. 
  • Do not use chemical hair styling products for a month.
  • Avoid exposure to strong sun for three months after treatment.
  • Avoid getting your head wet with rain for a week.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool and sea for one month after treatment.
  • Exercise can be performed 10 days after surgery.
  • Remember to take the medication your doctor has prescribed.
  • Spray the implantation site with Neomycin twice at an interval of three hours on the day of surgery. For the following 3 days, spray the donor and implant site every 3 hours, 4 times a day.
  • Don’t worry if there is swelling after the transplant. 
  • If pain develops – take an Ibuprofen or Paracetamol tablet.
  • When the skin starts to peel after a few days, apply a light moisturiser.
  • The first hair will start to grow back 3-5 months after transplantation.
  • The end result will be visible after 10-12 months.