Hair transplantation is one of the most effective methods of combating baldness and hair loss, which is gaining popularity around the world. The technique makes it possible to permanently regain thick and natural-looking hair. However, many patients wonder: is transplanted hair forever?
How does a hair transplant work?
The basis of hair transplantation is the transfer of hair follicles from the so-called donor zone (usually the back and sides of the head) to the areas affected by baldness. These hair follicles are genetically resistant to hormones such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the main cause of androgenetic alopecia. As a result, the transplanted hair retains its resistance to shedding, which is key to the longevity of the procedure’s results.
The most popular transplantation methods are:
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) – involves taking individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them in the target areas.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) – involves cutting a strip of skin with hair follicles and dividing it into smaller units that are later transplanted into target areas.
Does transplanted hair fall out?
Yes, but only initially. After hair transplantation, the natural process is the so-called shock loss of transplanted hair, which usually occurs within the first few weeks after the procedure. This phenomenon is normal and you should not worry about it. The important thing is that the hair follicles remain in the skin and after a few months begin to produce new, healthy hair.
The first visible effects of the transplant can be seen after about 3-4 months, and the full result is visible after 9-12 months.
Durability of transplanted hair
Transplanted hair, if sourced from appropriate donor areas, is usually permanent and resistant to loss. This is due to their genetic resistance to DHT. This means that these particular hairs should not fall out even many years after the procedure.
However, the longevity of the transplant results depends on several factors:
1. the quality and choice of the donor area
Hair follicles taken from the back and sides of the head are the most resistant to androgenetic alopecia. If follicles from less resistant areas are transplanted, the effect may be less permanent.
2 The doctor’s experience
The professionalism and experience of the surgeon are crucial to the success of the procedure. Improper follicle harvesting and implantation can lead to follicle damage and lack of growth.
3. the patient’s lifestyle
A healthy diet, avoiding stress, smoking and taking care of the scalp are important for the health of the transplanted hair.
4. progressive baldness
Although the transplanted hair is permanent, the patient’s natural hair may still fall out due to androgenetic alopecia. Therefore, sometimes another treatment is necessary to maintain the full effect.
How to take care of transplanted hair?
In order for the transplanted hair to maintain its longevity, it is worth following a few rules:
Following the doctor’s instructions – the first weeks after the procedure are crucial for proper acceptance of the hair follicles.
Avoiding mechanical damage to the scalp – scratching and strong rubbing of the head should be avoided for the first weeks.
Regular grooming – using gentle shampoos and conditioners.
Healthy lifestyle – a diet rich in vitamins and minerals promotes healthy hair growth.
Is transplanted hair forever?
Medicine does not know such terms as “forever”, “for sure” and “100%”. Hair follicles taken from the occipital are indeed more resistant to dihydrotestosterone, and this is clearly seen in older men. Although many have no hair on the upper scalp, the hair around the head (back and sides) grows with a relatively 10 normal density. But after the age of sixty, hair on the occipital area can also get thinner and begin to thin. In addition, if men have aggressively progressive androgenetic alopecia, the transplanted hair can also get thinner over the years. So is there any point in transplanting hair if the effect is not always permanent?
I don’t have a definite answer to such a question. As always with surgical procedures, one must weigh the balance of benefits and losses. We can’t predict in whom hair will grow for several decades, and in whom it will grow for a shorter period. By using hair loss suppressants after the transplant, we are able to inhibit the balding process. For how long? This, too, is an individual question, as each patient responds differently to treatment. In some, the drugs will inhibit baldness for several decades, while in others they may stop producing the desired effects after a few years.
Hair transplantation usually gives long-lasting results, but we cannot generalize about all patients and all cases. It is certainly worth raising the topic during a consultation with your doctor, discuss your family history of baldness, expectations and then make an informed decision. The hair transplant procedure alone does not solve the problem of further hair loss in other areas of the head. When deciding on such a procedure, it is important to keep in mind that you will need to start taking care of your hair. It is not always necessary to take medications to stop hair loss, but you should certainly consider a healthy and balanced diet, better hair styling products or hair strengthening treatments. If after a few years you notice that your hair is getting thinner or not covering your scalp as well as before, don’t wait to see a doctor. Early on, the miniaturization of hair follicles can be stopped and in most cases the natural thickness of the hair can be restored.
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