Gray hair transplant – is it possible? This question often comes up in our clinic, so we rush to answer it! Yes, gray hair can be transplanted! The process of hair transplantation involves hair follicles, regardless of hair color.

Hair transplantation is one of the most effective ways to fight baldness, which has gained great popularity in recent years. The procedure not only helps regain self-confidence, but also improves appearance and quality of life. However, many people, especially those with gray hair, wonder: is a hair transplant for gray hair possible? Does gray hair behave the same as pigmented hair? In this article, we dispel any doubts on this subject.

How does a hair transplant work?

To understand whether gray hair can be transplanted, it is useful to first look at the process of hair transplantation. The procedure involves transferring hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back of the head, where hair is more resistant to the hormones that cause baldness) to the recipient area, which is the area affected by thinning or complete absence of hair.

Hair follicles are the foundation of the entire process – they determine what hair will grow in the transplanted area. The key point is that the transplanted follicle retains its original characteristics, regardless of where it is transferred to.

Transplantation of gray hair – is it possible?

The short answer is yes, gray hair can be transplanted. The color of the hair – whether gray or pigmented – does not affect the success of the procedure. This is because the transplant process involves the follicles that are responsible for hair growth, not the pigment itself.

Gray hair is caused by reduced melanin production in the hair follicle. Despite the fact that the hair loses its pigment, it remains healthy and able to grow. Therefore, gray hair follicle transplantation leads to gray hair growth in the new location.

Gray hair and transplant effectiveness

Often patients are concerned that gray hair may be more difficult to transplant or that the results of the procedure will be less satisfactory. Nothing could be further from the truth! Gray hair is just as healthy and strong as pigmented hair, and the transplant process is exactly the same.

During the pre-surgery consultation, the specialist assesses the quality and density of the hair in the donor area. It is the quality of the hair follicles that is crucial to the success of the transplant – not the color of the hair.

To harvest follicles using the FUE method, hair is shortened to 1mm (with minor exceptions), and it is worth remembering that gray hair against light skin is not as visible as dark hair. But there are ways to see such hairs indirectly or directly and thus retrieve them. The indirect method is to position the treatment lamp in such a way that the gray hair casts a shadow and thus can be located. And the direct method is simply the significance of the gray hairs, such as rubbing with the patient’s blood, which appears during the retrieval of hair follicles. The gray hair transplant procedure is technically more difficult for this reason, but completely possible and widely practiced. It requires tremendous precision and experience of the trichologist performing the procedure.

Why should you consider gray hair transplantation?

While gray hair is a natural result of the aging process, it can also appear at a younger age, such as as a result of genetic predisposition, stress or certain diseases. Regardless of the cause, gray hair does not preclude a hair transplant.

A gray hair transplant can be an excellent solution for people who:

  1. Are struggling with androgenetic alopecia, scarring or other types of hair loss,
  2. Want to thicken their hair, regardless of its color,
  3. Value a natural look and accept their gray hair as part of their identity,
  4. Want to improve their appearance and well-being.

Advantages and challenges of gray hair transplantation


  1. Natural appearance – transplanted gray hair will harmonize with the rest of the hairstyle, avoiding the contrast between natural and transplanted hair.
  2. No impact of gray hair on the effectiveness of the procedure – gray hair is just as capable of growing after transplantation as pigmented hair.
  3. An option for older patients – older people often have gray hair, making transplantation of such hair a good option for them.


  1. Visibility of gray hair – in some cases, patients may feel that gray hair is less visible on the skin after transplantation, especially among those with fair skin. This is also a challenge for the transplant physician due to their poorer visibility on fair skin.
  2. Maintaining mixed colors – if a patient has mixed gray and pigmented hair, it can be difficult to achieve a uniform look after transplantation.

Can gray hair be restored to its natural color?

It is worth noting that a hair transplant does not change the color of the hair. This means that if the hair follicles produce gray hair, the hair will still be gray after transplantation. There is no method that can reverse the graying process – the transplanted hair will reflect the state of the follicles from the donor area.

For those who dream of returning to their natural hair color, coloring may be the only solution. However, it is worth remembering that gray hair is increasingly accepted today and is often seen as an elegant, natural part of the appearance.

How to prepare for gray hair transplantation?

The preparation process for a gray hair transplant is no different from a standard transplant. During the consultation, the doctor will assess the condition of the scalp, the quality of the hair and potential contraindications to the procedure. It is important that the patient is in good health and has realistic expectations about the results.

It is also worth remembering that proper care of the hair and scalp is necessary after the transplant to ensure the best results.


Gray hair can be transplanted just as effectively as pigmented hair. The procedure process is the same, and the end result depends on the quality of the hair follicles and the precision of the procedure. If you are struggling with thinning hair or baldness and your hair is gray, you don’t have to give up on the procedure – gray hair is no obstacle!

A hair transplant is an investment in yourself that allows you to regain your confidence and enjoy your natural look. If you have more questions about gray hair transplantation, we invite you to a consultation at our clinic – we will be happy to dispel any doubts and advise you on the best solution!

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