Does transplanted hair grow differently – this question arouses curiosity among patients. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the hair growth cycle. Each hair goes through three basic phases:

Anagen – the growth phase, in which the hair follicles are active and produce new hair.

Catagen – a transitional phase in which hair growth slows down and the follicle begins to shrink.

Telogen – the resting phase, after which the hair falls out, making room for new hair.

After transplantation, hair follicles must undergo a natural adaptation process. During the first few weeks, most of the transplanted hair falls out, a perfectly normal stage known as “shock loss” (shocks). However, this does not mean that the procedure has failed – the follicles remain alive and start producing new hair within 3-4 months. The hair that grows from the transplanted follicle undergoes the same growth phases as naturally growing hair.

Is transplanted hair different from other hair?

From a biological point of view, transplanted hair is no different from the hair that grows naturally on the head, since it comes from the same organism. However, there are several aspects that may give the impression that transplanted hair grows differently:

1. hair density and arrangement

Transplanted hair may look less dense, especially if the patient had advanced baldness and limited hair in the donor area. 

2. growth rate

Transplanted hair may initially grow more slowly than the rest of the hair. This is due to the adaptation of the hair follicles to the new environment and the regeneration process after the procedure. After about a year, the transplanted hair should reach a normal growth rate and become indistinguishable from the rest of the hair.

3 Hair texture

In some cases, patients notice that the texture of the transplanted hair is slightly different. This may be the result of micro-trauma associated with the procedure or the effect of the skin in the recipient area. However, over time, the hair usually regains its natural texture.

4 Resistance to loss

Transplanted hair is more resistant to DHT, which means it does not fall out in the same way as hair in areas affected by androgenetic alopecia. As a result, they can appear more permanent.

Does transplanted hair grow differently?

At Kierach Medical Clinic, we always transplant the patient’s own hair so there is no concern about a different shade or texture. Hair taken from the back and sides of the head may sometimes appear a little thicker compared to hair at the frontal hairline, and this is due to the dynamics of baldness. 

With androgenetic alopecia, hair does not fall out overnight, the process takes years. First the hair becomes thinner (follicle miniaturization), instead of growing three or four hairs from one follicle, only 2 or one hair grows. Finally, the hair gets shorter and shorter until, after time, the hair stops growing at all. If a patient comes in for a hair transplant procedure then most often the miniaturization process is already underway and the hair is thinner than it was in the past. To blur this line between “old” and transplanted hair, several strategies are used. 

One is to implement drug treatment to stop the miniaturization of the follicles and rebuild the thickness of the hair, and if that doesn’t give the results we want, we implant hair about 1cm deep into the existing hairline. Another issue is the direction and angle of growth of the transplanted hair. This depends solely on the skill of the doctor performing the procedure. 

The hair will grow at the angle and in the direction in which it was implanted. If the angle is too great, the hair will stand out and be difficult to style. Correcting such a procedure usually involves removing these hair follicles and implanting them again at the correct angle. And what is the correct angle for hair growth? There is no definite answer to this question. The best solution is to mimic nature and implant hair at the angle at which it grows in a given patient. 

What influences the success of a transplant?

The quality and growth pattern of transplanted hair depends on several factors:

The doctor’s experience – precise placement of the hair follicles is key to achieving a natural look.

Post-procedure care – proper hygiene, avoiding scalp irritation and following the doctor’s instructions aid recovery.

Patient’s health – the patient’s overall health, diet and lifestyle affect hair quality and growth rate.


Transplanted hair grows in a manner similar to natural hair, as it comes from the same organism and undergoes the same growth cycle. However, they may differ in terms of initial growth rate, texture or density due to the process of adaptation and regeneration after the procedure. Over time, these differences fade and the transplanted hair becomes indistinguishable from the rest. The key to success is choosing an experienced surgeon and proper care both before and after the procedure. Thanks to modern hair transplantation techniques, more and more people are regaining their confidence and natural-looking hair.

You can read more about hair transplantation HERE.

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